Friday, June 22, 2012

Let's tart with yoghurt

Joining the Yoghurt wave that has taken over Mumbai is Yogurto at Chowpatty

On one of our usual trips to Ice Cream Works to savour the legendary Calcutta Meetha Paan ice-cream, we discovered Yogurto and the delicious-looking yoghurt sundaes on their menu that tempted us to grab a cup as quickly as possible.

Yoghurt with strawberry sauce
When we stepped in, extremely enthusiastic attendants who, at the blink of an eye, whipped up samples for us to taste, greeted us. Being smoothie fans, our first order was the Chocolicious Smoothie (` 88), which the menu mentioned, was a mix of chocolate fudge, banana and Nutella.

Mighty Mango Sundae
The consistency of the smoothie was good, so was the mix of yummy chocolate fudge and Nutella. However, it had an unpleasant sour taste to it, a bit too much even for yoghurt. Next, we ordered their regular yoghurt drizzled with strawberry sauce and cheesecake crumble (` 158). Yogurto is generous with its servings, and we loved the mix of the strawberry sauce with a crispy cheesecake-flavoured crumble. Although the yoghurt was a bit to tart for our liking, the strawberry sauce made up for it.
From their list of flavoured yoghurt, we sampled their Orange Yoghurt, which though tasted great, was more about artificial flavouring than the natural citrus flavours. At ` 38 for a small cup, it is arguably, one of the least expensive on offer in the city. As for their toppings, Yogurto has several healthier varieties including those with fresh fruits, oats and honey and rice crispies, apart from chocolate.

Chocolicious Smoothie.  Pics/ Dhara Vora

Our final order was the Mighty Mango Sundae (` 258). Take someone along to sample their sundaes as they can be filling for one person (we felt it was over-priced). This multi-layered sundae starts with a deliciously moist vanilla sponge cake at the bottom, crumbled Oreo cookies, mango pieces, regular yoghurt and completed with a drizzle of caramel sauce on top (why it is called Mighty Mango remains a mystery — mango comprised of only 1/5 part of the sundae). A meal in itself, the mix of Oreo, yoghurt and mango tasted good and added the much-needed sugar to the yoghurt. We hope that the extra tart in their yoghurt was specific to the day we had dropped by, otherwise Yogurto makes for an interesting snack destination for the health conscious.

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